How To Claim Lost Wages From a Minnesota Car Accident

How To Claim Lost Wages From a Minnesota Car Accident
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A car accident injury can keep you out of work for days, weeks, or even months. Time away from work can add financial strain to an already stressful situation, but you may have the right to claim lost wages from a car accident. Our Minnesota car accident lawyers can help you seek fair compensation for the income you lost during your recovery. Contact us online or call (651) 437-3148 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.

Key Takeaways
  • You can be compensated for the income you would have earned if you had not been injured in a car accident.
  • You can receive compensation for a portion of your lost wages through your no-fault personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, which is mandatory in Minnesota.
  • If someone else was at fault for the accident, the at-fault driver’s liability insurance policy may pay for your lost wages that are not covered by PIP.
  • The amount of time it takes to receive lost wages after a car accident depends on your case’s unique circumstances, but our attorneys can give you a better idea after evaluating your case in a free consultation.

How Long Does It Take To Get Lost Wages From a Car Accident?

It will likely take several weeks or months to receive compensation for your lost wages and other damages after a car accident. However, complex cases can take up to a year or more, especially if they go to trial.

Your case’s time frame will depend on the unique factors of your situation, such as the severity of your injuries, how long you are out of work, and whether liability is disputed. Consulting our skilled Minnesota personal injury lawyers can help you get a better idea of how long it will take to get lost wages based on your specific circumstances.

Can You Recover Lost Wages From a Car Accident Without Injury?

Car accidents that result in property damage but no physical injuries can cause you to miss work while you deal with vehicle repairs and insurance paperwork. Even so, this type of scenario is unlikely to result in compensable lost wages, which normally stem from an inability to work due to injuries sustained in an accident. If you’re experiencing financial strain due to missed work from a car accident, our skilled car accident lawyers can help you explore your legal options.

Who Pays for Lost Wages in a Car Accident?

Auto insurance usually pays for lost wages in a car accident claim. Your PIP coverage will pay for your lost wages up to the policy limit. If another driver is at fault for the accident, their auto liability insurance will pay for the remainder of your lost wages. If the at-fault driver’s policy limit does not cover all of your lost wages, you can also file a claim under your own underinsured motorist (UM) policy if you have one.

What if I Was at Fault for the Accident?

You can receive compensation for lost wages if you were partially or even entirely at fault for an accident. Minnesota is a no-fault state, which means your no-fault PIP insurance will pay for your damages regardless of who caused the accident. No-fault coverage typically pays up to $20,000 for non-medical costs, such as lost wages.

The Minnesota comparative fault law may also come into play if you seek compensation through the at-fault driver’s liability insurance. Under this law, you are eligible for lost wages if you were less at fault for the accident than the other driver.

Injured in a Car Crash? Our Minnesota Car Accident Attorneys Can Help.

Insurance companies are responsible for paying your lost wages after a Minnesota car accident injury, but getting that money in your pocket can be challenging. When you turn to Sieben Polk P.A., we’ll help you understand how you can claim lost wages from a car accident and guide you through the process. Contact us online or call (651) 437-3148 to schedule a free consultation.

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