Eagan Slip and Fall Injury Lawyers

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, from grocery stores and movie theaters to parking lots and sidewalks. They can cause a wide range of injuries and have long-lasting physical, mental, and emotional effects. Seeking legal guidance from an experienced slip and fall lawyer is essential to fighting for the compensation you deserve for your injury-related expenses. Our experienced team at Sieben Polk P.A. has helped countless victims and their families seek justice. Contact us for help with your case. 

minnesota slip and fall lawyer

Slip and falls are a common type of personal injury that can occur in a variety of settings, including workplaces, public spaces, and private properties. They can cause a range of injuries, from minor bruises to severe head trauma, and can have long-lasting effects on a victim’s physical and emotional well-being. 

Seeking legal guidance from an experienced slip and fall lawyer is essential to fighting for the compensation you deserve for your injury-related expenses. Our knowledgeable team at Sieben Polk P.A. has helped victims throughout Minnesota with their slip and fall injury cases and can help you do the same.

Minnesota Slip and Fall Attorneys

Slips and falls are the second leading cause of workplace injuries to state employees. In 2021 alone, slips, trips, and falls caused 19 deaths in Minnesota workplaces—an increase from 15 fatalities the previous year—and thousands of non-fatal injuries.

Slips and falls can cause a wide range of personal injuries from mild to severe, including:

Remember, the at-fault party’s insurer will likely attempt to settle quickly for an unfairly low amount to minimize payouts. This is where a skilled lawyer comes in. 

We are a full-service personal injury law firm with the skills and resources needed to handle slip and fall accidents in Minnesota. We’ve secured hundreds of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients. We believe in the high quality of our services, but you do not need to take our word for it. Read our client testimonials to learn more.  

If you’ve sustained an injury in a Minnesota slip and fall accident, our top-tier legal team can help you determine your legal options and fight for meaningful compensation to offset your injury-related expenses. 

What Conditions Cause Slips and Falls?

Minnesota often experiences harsh winters that blanket the landscape in snow and ice, creating the perfect environment for a slip and fall. However, outdoor environments aren’t the only place Minnesotans may be injured in a slip and fall. Conditions that can contribute to these accidents include:

What Should I Do After a Slip and Fall Injury?

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, follow these steps:

number 1 written on a square shape
Get medical care

Your first step is to seek medical attention, even if your injuries don’t seem extensive or severe. Sometimes, the injuries aren’t easily visible and may cause symptoms later on.

Number 2 written on a square shape
Document the accident

If possible, document the accident. Take photos of the scene, document your injuries, and gather witness statements and contact information.

Number 3 on a square shape
Watch what you say

Many statements, even seemingly innocent statements, can be used against you in your case. Avoid any admissions of guilt or responsibility, especially when speaking with insurers.

number 4 written on a square shape
Talk to a lawyer

Contact an experienced slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible. Your lawyer will evaluate your case and help you understand your legal rights and options.

Who Is Liable for a Slip and Fall Injury in Minnesota?

Various parties can be held liable for a slip and fall. For example, the property owner might be liable if they or their employees:

On the other hand, the injured individual might be partly liable if they:

A skilled Eagan slip and fall lawyer can help you determine liability, build a strong case, and push back when the at-fault party and their insurers try to pin the blame on you. Do not wait to reach out.

What Compensation Can I Get for My Slip and Fall Injuries?

Victims injured in slip and fall accidents can typically recover two types of compensation: economic and non-economic. Economic damages cover the expenses associated with your injury, including medical bills, lost wages, and loss of future earning capacity. Conversely, non-economic damages cover non-financial aspects of your case, such as pain, suffering, and emotional trauma. 

The amount you can recover varies based on factors specific to your accident, including the severity of your injuries and your percentage of fault. Minnesota deploys the doctrine of comparative fault. Under this law, you can recover compensation so long as you are not more at fault than the defendant, but your damages will drop in proportion to your percentage of the blame.

man on ground holding injured knee near wet floor sign after a slip and fall

What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Slip and Fall Injury in Minnesota?

Under Minnesota law, all individuals injured in a slip and fall accident must typically file a claim within two years of the accident date. This law, known as the statute of limitations, is strictly enforced and subject to very few exceptions.

Failure to file before the correct deadline normally results in your case being dismissed in court. Given the time constraint, seeking help from an experienced Minnesota slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible is essential. 

someone holding the caution wet floor sign backwards in an office settings

Contact Our Experienced Eagan Slip and Fall Injury Lawyers

Slip and fall accidents can result in serious injuries that require expensive medical attention. If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident in Minnesota, seeking legal guidance is essential to pursuing the compensation you deserve. 

Our experienced slip and fall lawyers at Sieben Polk P.A. are here to help. We work on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing unless we win your case. Call us today at (651) 437-3148 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your free case review.

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Our Eagan, MN Office
Personal Injury Results
Over $3,000,000 recovered for local man severely injured in work related explosion case.
Over $2,500,000 recovered for local couple severely injured in car crash.
Over $1,600,000 recovered from multiple layers of insurance for local woman severely injured in car crash.
$1,250,000 recovered for family of woman who died in car crash.
$1,000,000 recovered for an amputation injury involving a local child.
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